I like dogs, and dogs like me

dogs are very cool

don't you think so?

Do you like dogs?

Yes! They, in fact, do like me!

That's great news and I am so happy for you!
I sincerely hope nothing but the best to you. I mean it.

Not really...

That's completely fine! Whether you prefer cats or kangaroos over dogs, that's personal preference!

I don't like dogs.

Kill yourself.

Why are you so mean to me?

Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that disliking dogs seems like such a bad personality trait to me, I automatically tell you to kill yourself.

What if I want to be your friend still?

You can still be my friend if you gather these items:

  1. Bone
  2. Dog treats
  3. Tennis ball
  4. An assortment of CDs (compact discs)

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